(336) 232-4847

Thorne - Wellevate Dispensary*

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Environmental toxins are almost inescapable in today's world. Thorne's Basic Detox Nutrients is a complete multi-vitamin/mineral formula with higher levels of those nutrients commonly depleted by environmental toxins, and with nutrients and botanicals that help the body deal with a toxic environment.* Its nutrients include B vitamins, magnesium citrate and magnesium malate (well-absorbed forms of magnesium), choline (essential for producing liver detoxification enzymes), N-acetylcysteine, MSM, and R-lipoic acid. Thorne's Basic Detox Nutrients also contains green tea, milk thistle, and curcumin extracts as well-absorbed phytosomes.* Basic Detox Nutrients can be used as part of a cleansing program or as a stand-alone product to support overall wellness.*

A multi-vitamin/mineral supplement is more important than many people realize. Because of the state of the current food supply and the difficulty of consuming five servings of vegetables and fruits every day, few of us get all the nutrition that we need from food.

Phosphatidylserine is the most abundant phospholipid in the human brain and is made by the body in small amounts. This important phospholipid supports neuronal cell integrity by providing the building blocks needed for cell membrane structure and function.*

Research on trace minerals has demonstrated their importance in human health.* Although many trace minerals are naturally present in fruits and vegetables, mineral depletion of the soil has rendered much of today's produce deficient in these essential nutrients. Pic-Mins contains well-absorbed forms of zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, boron, and vanadium. These trace minerals function as cofactors in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body.* Pic-Mins contains well-absorbed forms of zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, boron, and vanadium. These trace minerals function as cofactors in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body.*

Research on trace minerals has demonstrated their importance to human health.* Many of the trace minerals can be obtained from the diet by eating fruits and vegetables; however, mineral depletion of the soil has rendered much of today's produce deficient in these essential nutrients. Trace Minerals is a comprehensive trace mineral formulation of well-absorbed forms for superb absorption.*